Make a Report
Tell Us Your Story
It is hard to know the right thing to do, or how to feel. We are here to help you.
Before reporting, please know that your safety is the first and most important priority. If you are not in a safe place, you need to get to one. Reach out to someone you trust, one of the national services linked on our resources page, or find your nearest sexual assault crisis center or shelter. If you would like assistance making a report with CAN or finding additional local services please call our hotline at 617-249-4255 and a victim advocate will reach out to you within 48 hours.
What happened to you is not your fault. What happened is not OK and nothing you did caused it.
If you were assaulted, seek medical attention as soon as possible, if it is safe to do so. If you can, it is important to get a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) from a nearby hospital. It will allow for the collection of evidence and testing if you suspect you may have been drugged.
Please report all behavior that seems unethical, even if you're not sure if it violates our code of conduct.
If time has passed since the incident, there may still be local resources available to you. Do not let time be a reason to not speak up.
If you are not sure what to do, our victim advocates can help you understand the resources available to you, including making a report with us if you choose to.
Make A Report
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